Fall Recruitment
Meet the Firms
Meet the Firms
This is an opportunity for members to meet firms who are searching for University of Illinois actuarial talent. Hosted every year, this event allows our members to meet with representatives from firms across the actuarial profession.
Meet the Firms Date: Wednesday, September 25th, 2024
Location: Illini Union Ballroom
1401 W. Green St., Urbana, IL 61801
Complete the following to attend Meet the Firms:
Pay club dues (contact Kevin Kirby at treasurer@asc-illinois.com for payment options)
Submit your resume to the link found on Slack.
Join our Slack
Attend Mock Meet the Firms
In order to attend the priority hour of MTF from 6:00pm-7:00pm you must fulfill these requirements:
Attend 6 company presentations (1 may be replaced with a workshop)
Attend 1 social event
No exceptions will be made to any of these requirements.
Company Information
For more information about the companies attending, please use this LINK