The Alumni Newsletter is an Actuarial Science Club tradition that connects the club with alumni of all generations. This is one of the many ways ASC is looking to maintain relationships with alumni all across the world and to update them on the club. In the newsletters, you'll find various articles written by Actuarial Science Club members and faculty about what's been happening in ASC, the actuarial science department, and on campus.
The Actuarial Science Club is excited to present the Fall 2024 Alumni Newsletter, which contains information about the Rules and Regulations in Insurance Spring Symposium, Interviews with new ASRM faculty, a Spring Banquet feature as well as Illini Football updates.
Read on for more details about the fall semester.
SPRINg 2024 Edition
The Actuarial Science Club is excited to present the Spring 2024 Alumni Newsletter, which contains more about the Innovation in Insurance Spring Symposium, Interview with ASC VPs, a Spring Banquet feature as well as campus-town coffee shop reviews.
Read on for more details about the spring semester.
Fall 2023 Edition
The Actuarial Science Club is thrilled to present the Fall 2023 Alumni Newsletter, which contains more about the Innovation in Insurance Spring Symposium, Interview with new professor Tolulope Farina, an ARC feature as well as a timeline of Green Street.
Read on for more details about the fall semester.
Spring 2023 Edition
The Actuarial Science Club is thrilled to present the Spring 2023 Alumni Newsletter, which contains topics such as Spring Banquet highlights, IRisk Lab projects, Career Feature, and interviews with Steve Eisenstein, founder of ASC, and Daniel Polites, President of ASC.
Read on for more details about the spring semester.
Fall 2022 Edition
The Actuarial Science Club is excited to present the Fall 2022 Alumni Newsletter, which covers topics such as the Altgeld and Illini Hall renovations, an SOA update on University-Earned Credit, the Innovation in Insurance Webinar Series, and interviews with new professors.
Read on for more details about the fall semester.
Spring 2022 EDITIOn
The Actuarial Science Club at Illinois presents the Spring 2022 Alumni Newsletter, which contains an overview of the semester including the return of in-person events such as the Spring Symposium and the Spring Banquet.
Read on to learn more about ASC’s successful spring semester.
Fall 2021 EDITIOn
The Actuarial Science Club is happy to present the Fall 2021 Alumni Newsletter, which contains highlights of the semester such as the return to in-person classes and events, a new SOA program, and interviews with new professors.
Read on to learn more about the fall semester.
spring 2021 EDITIOn
The Actuarial Science Club at Illinois presents the Spring 2021 edition of the alumni newsletter, which covers topics ranging from our exceptional Risk Analytics Symposium to the university’s smooth transition towards normalcy with changing COVID-19 regulations. Read on to learn more about the major updates from the semester.
Fall 2020 EDITIOn
The Fall 2020 alumni newsletter underscores the key differences due to a hybrid semester. In order to prioritize the health and safety of everyone, ASC has moved all of its major events- from recruitment season to socials- all online.
Read on to see how the Illini Actuarial Program conquered the many challenges faced by living in a pandemic and thrived throughout this virtual experience.
2019-2020 EDITIOn
This alumni newsletter covers the highlights of the 2020 academic year, including our annual Meet the Firms, Alumni Mentorship Program, iRisk Lab research initiatives, and many other endeavors. Along with the club’s accomplishments, check out the articles on sports achievements and historic bar relocation as well. We cherish our strong alumni network for working with the actuarial science program at the U of I to help our students flourish.
FALL 2018 Edition
We are very proud and excited to share our Fall 2018 Alumni Newsletter with you. Our last issue was released in Spring 2015 so it has been awhile and we are glad that we can bring back this tradition. In the following newsletter you can learn more about our upcoming InsureTech and Actuarial Modernization Symposium, the recent bar closings in the Champaign area, our recent club events, and much more.